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Mind-Machine Interface
Mind-Machine Interface

Mind-Machine Interface is a 'programming' puzzle game where you create a program that transform a data package (consisting of numbers and/or pixels) into an output that meets the specifications provided.
The programming part is figurative, since you will be using functional blocks and wires on a grid to transform ugly inputs into pretty outputs (in the spirit of Spacechem or Tis-100).
Puzzles are hard and open ended. You will have to duplicate an image, create a bouncing ball program, path finding algorithms, repair a corrupt image, etc.
You can compare you score with other testees looking at you cycles and objects count for each level.
Everything is set in a futuristic environment and you are an engineer seeking for a job, so you must pass this field aptitude test to qualify. Decipher a futuristic language along the way!
The game is currently on Greenlight. I am gathering feedback to improve it and eventually release it on Windows, Mac and Linux.
There is a demo available and a gameplay video on my Greenlight page:
Feel free to leave your feedback on my twitter or reddit page for the game:
'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change'

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